Weekly TikTok usage among Americans aged 25+ has increased 6x since 2021, a new report finds.
YouGov’s new report, TikTok, All Grown Up: Audience Analysis & Brand Rankings, details how weekly adult TikTokers make more money than others their age, are more willing to try and talk about new products, and tend to prefer brands with a stance on social issues.
The report identifies that among weekly US TikTokers aged 25+:
- 40% have a household disposable income exceeding $2,500 (compared to 21% of the general population)
- 44% trust products recommended by celebrities or influencers (vs 20% of general pop)
- 83% think it’s important for brands to communicate they stand for something (vs 69% of gen pop)
“TikTok is not just teens,” said Bernadette Maher, VP at YouGov America. “There are a growing number of highly-engaged, affluent adults using the platform, and our analysis shows they are receptive to advertising and brands that take a stance.”
“TikTok, All Grown Up: Audience Analysis & Brand Rankings” also identifies the top brands that weekly US TikTok users over the age of 25 are gravitating toward across Charities, CPG, Financial Services, Media, Retail, Video Gaming, and more.
In total, the report identifies 130 brands that US TikTokers 25+ strongly consider purchasing from relative to others their age, with Forever 21, FIFA, and Nike over-indexing the most, and Venmo, Budweiser, and 7-Eleven making the most strides in the past year.
YouGov’s report is available for download here.
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