Kara Brown and Will Haraway, two Atlanta-based supply chain marketing experts, have announced a new B2B marketing agency—Lead Coverage—launching immediately. Lead Coverage is focused exclusively on the supply chain space, helping companies develop, or boost, lead generation through targeted marketing strategies and media coverage that drives inbound conversions and measurable marketing ROI.
Brown and Haraway are the founders of SmithBrown and Backbeat Marketing, respectively. The two agencies have worked together since 2014 where they met at Cargo Chief, a tech-enabled freight brokerage based out of Silicon Valley. In 2018, they teamed up again to support the marketing and lead generation efforts of supply chain software and services company American Global Logistics (AGL).
“Kara and Will’s combined team delivers extensive organic media coverage and then convert those results into qualified leads for our sales team,” said Tania Garcia, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, AGL. “What Lead Coverage provides AGL is the ability to pull inbound data, report on it, and make insightful, actionable marketing decisions that help us drive sales.”
Kara Brown is the founder of SmithBrown, a team of marketing and sales enablement consultants specializing in all the pieces of the B2B conversion cycle: mar-tech stack building (CRM/Automation), sales/marketing operations and enablement, inbound/outbound content, SEO/SEM, social conversion, and measurement. Brown is also the Co-Founder of CloseHer, a community for women in sales.
Will Haraway is the founder of Backbeat Marketing, focused on planning and implementing strategic analyst and public relations strategies that help raise and maintain a company’s brand reputation as well as support bottom-line sales. In addition, Haraway is a co-host for the popular Supply Chain Now Radio podcast and serves on the Executive Board for APICS Atlanta, the premier professional association for supply chain and operations management.
For more information, please visit https://www.leadcoverage.com/.