Dive summary:
- Floyd Hayes created World's Fastest Agency in response the increasing speed in which marketing is conducted; the name is the agency's claim -- to be the fastest agency in the world.
- Brands pay World's Fastest Agency $999 up front via PayPal, then follow @FastestAgency to submit their creative brief in Twitter's DM of just 140 characters; within 24 hours Hayes responds with a creative pitch.
- World's Fastest Agency doesn't actually do the creative work, it just supplies the plan; Hayes will offer free referrals to production partners for clients who desire direction.
From the article:
“'Clients can say goodbye to 100-page PowerPoint decks, meetings, weeks of fee negotiation, countless emails, more meetings, lunch, meetings, scope of work to-ing and fro-ing, meetings, more emails, Q&A sessions, tissue meetings, inaudible conference call, pitch, feedback, feedback on the feedback, re-briefing, re-pitching, another meeting, more feedback, focus groups, another meeting, more emails.'”