Dive summary:
- Publishers are turning away from page views as their only form of measurement and monetization because it doesn't provide an accurate view of reach.
- Increasingly, publishers like BuzzFeed and PitchFork are focusing on unique visitors and what BuzzFeed's president refers to as "social lift," another term for "sharing."
- The overall focus is shifting even for publishers who are still tied to page views, as they are working to monetize reader actions and interactivity like comments.
From the article:
"The new business site Quartz, for example, while still sells on a CPM basis, is trying to optimize user behavior. It recently began a new annotating commenting system that lets the qualified reader — one who’s registered and whose comments have been vetted by editors — comment along side paragraphs and not at the bottom of the article. It’s sponsored by Citi, so every time a reader opens the comment box, they see a message that reads 'Annotations presented by Citi.' Instead of monetizing the content, Quartz is monetizing the act of commenting."