Dive summary:
- Major advertisers spent as much as $10 million to become launch partners for iTunes Radio, which launched Wednesday.
- Brands like Pepsi, Macy's, McDonald's, Nissan and Procter & Gamble jumped on the iTunes Radio bandwagon because of iTunes' existing 26.6 million unique visitors, making it a safe bet to quickly become strong competition for other streaming services.
- With 65 million unique visitors in July, Pandora will be iTunes Radio's closest competition both in numbers and due to its similar format.
From the article:
"Pandora's main advantage over its competition is its mobile presence. Eighty percent of people who visited Pandora in July 2013 did so from a mobile device, according to comScore. Apple will compete by making iTunes Radio built into all iPhones, iPods and iPads that run iOS 7, Apple's latest iteration of its mobile operating system."