Dive summary:
- WSJ posted animation firm Pixar's teaser for "The Little Blue Umbrella" on its YouTube channel and grew 234% in one week to reach the no. 9 video spot.
- Typical news videos post from WSJ garner views in the thousands (Lance Armstrong's Oprah confession has about 3,000 for example), but the Pixar trailer has gained over 2 million views since posting on Jan. 6, 2013.
- "The Little Blue Umbrella" is a short animated film about a blue umbrella and a red umbrella that fall in love on a rainy day in the city.
From the article:
"While WSJDigitalNetwork is the biggest mover on the YouTube Original Channel Tracker this week, it's Pixar who should be getting the credit.
A teaser for the animation company's short film "The Blue Umbrella," which was posted on the channel, led to a big jump in viewership. The channel grew by 234% over last week to take the No. 9 spot amid the likes of AwesomenessTV and Clevver News."