Dive Summary:
- General Mills on Monday launched an advertising campaign for its Pillsbury Toaster Strudel products, featuring a new mascot named Hans Strudel.
- According to a press release, Strudel is "a fictional, fun and quirky young boy from the magical place of Breakfurg, a place where people are happy and breakfast is served all day long."
- He will appear in TV spots, as well as a consumer event in New York City, using the catchphrase "Get zem going."

(Image credits: PR Newswire)
From the press release:
... While moms are the primary target for the campaign, the brand is broadening its reach by appealing to a new audience—the millennials in the household.
"This campaign will show a new, fun and magical side of Toaster Strudel with the creation of Hans Strudel and his homeland of Breakfurg," says John Williams, marketing manager for Pillsbury Toaster Strudel. "We think Hans and his persona will appeal to parents and teens in the household, giving them a little extra motivation in the morning."
Hans Strudel and his delicious Toaster Strudel pastries will be breaking into kitchens across America through three new TV commercials. Each commercial shows a snapshot of the chaos mom can experience in her morning as she works to get her family out the door—whereupon Hans shows up unexpectedly and dramatically to "Get zem going" with Toaster Strudel. Fun, surreal and memorable, the commercials show mom how every morning can be the best morning ever, thanks to Toaster Strudel. ...