Dive summary:
- TargetSpot, which has provided ads for CBS Radio and ABC News Radio, will now be placing in-stream ads for XBox Music, a streaming audio service.
- Microsoft plans to roll out XBox Music to all of its devices and TargetSpot streaming offers another area of revenue.
- As Microsoft gears up to release XBox 720, competitor Sony's new PS4 systems is likely to include a digital rights management system that will require it to be connected to the internet at all times; this unpopular move from Sony could help Microsoft gain an advantage with the streaming music service.
From the article:
"'Our research shows that digital audio listeners consume their content across multiple music services and across multiple devices,' said TargetSpot CEO Eyal Goldwerger. Microsoft's newest OS, Windows 8, includes the service along with a host of other try-before-you-buy software."