Dive summary:
- Startup Blab is launching a platform that allows businesses to predict which topics will be important on social media up to three days in advance.
- The platform boasts a visualization tool that highlights up-and-coming conversations at any given moment, a "magazine view" showing the most popular topics at any given time and a chart predicting the extent of those topics over the next 12 to 72 hours.
- Blab is able to only to analyze topics that have already started; it can't predict news that will break in the next three days.
From the article:
"The predictions can be made with as little as 30 minutes of data, Snelling said. To do so, Blab looks at the initial conversational patterns and compares them to past data, so that if things are unfolding similarly to a conversation in the past, the technology can extrapolate how the conversation will proceed."