Dive Brief:
- Gnip, a social data firm, is answering brand's needs by offering combined data set across Tumblr, WordPress, Disqus and IntenseDebate.
- Brands know Facebook and Twitter are important, but Gnip wants to offer a comprehensive look at the conversations happening beyond that — specifically on social blogs and commenting platforms.
- The four companies already have partnerships with Gnip that won't change, as the data will now just be packaged in a way that brands can get a wider view of their social conversations.
Dive Insight:
Gnip is moving into an important space as social sites, blogs and commenting platforms outside of the big blue two are increasing in popularity. By offering the bundle, brands no longer have to search for trends among all the separate sets of data, but can compare them side by side. Alongside data from social media sites, Gnip is offering brands the potential to monitor the majority of online conversations.