Dive Brief:
- Pinterest has partnered with Oracle Data Cloud to bring marketers metrics on how Promoted Pin campaigns impact offline sales.
- According to Ad Age, the deal was announced along with the results of a study conducted by Oracle on 29 CPG campaigns that found Promoted Pins produce five-times the incremental in-store sales compared to other efforts.
- For the study Oracle used its DataLogix tech to compare in-store results with users in households that saw Promoted Pins against similar demographic households where Pinterest isn't used.
Dive Insight:
True cross platform and channel measurement has become a valued marketing key performance indicator, and having the ability to measure results from online campaigns to offline behavior allows marketers to more accurately track ROI from digital campaigns.
Jon Kaplan, head of global sales at Pinterest, told Ad Age that the Oracle study also found that brands are three-times more likely to reach existing customers on Pinterest. Compared to average consumers, Pinterest user spend 16% more making purchases, and moreover, more than half of all Pinterest users use that platform to find and shop for goods.
Kaplan explained, "A lot of these companies are focusing on organic growth and reaching existing customers. The fact they can introduce new use cases for the products is the differentiator."
Pinterest has been looking for ways to boost its revenue in advance of an anticipated IPO. Being able to offer marketers fresh insights into how their campaigns are performing on the platform could be what Pinterest needs to lure more advertisers and make its IPO goal.