Dive Brief:
- The New York Times is investing millions in its Sunday Magazine in hopes that it will draw more advertisers.
- Editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and publisher Andy Wright have visited 10 cities talking to CMOs to help them understand the digital and print redesign.
- The Times Magazine is one of the most-read parts of the Sunday edition, but advertisers have shifted to other sections of the paper. For example, luxury advertisers have moved to T: The New York Times Style Magazine.
Dive Insight:
A redesign alone may not be enough to make Times Magazine uber-profitable, but the face time with CMOs could tip the scales in the paper's favor. If the redesign works, it would prove that print media still has viability with advertisers. The Grey Lady is taking a chance with the redesign, as it announced earlier this year it would cut 7.5% of its newsroom in favor of pushing harder on the digital front.