Dive summary:
- The New York Times' new 10,000 word profile of legendary jockey Russel Braze, "The Jockey," will draw similarities to the viral sensation "Snow Fall" with customized ads.
- The difference with "The Jockey" is that NYT learned from their "Snow Fall" mistakes; ads will be customized to fit more seamlessly into the long form piece; "Snow Fall" received heavy criticism that the ads were clunky and took away from the piece.
- Instead of going the sponsored content route like so many other publishers, the paper is focusing on redesigning the display ad with its Idea Lab.
From the article:
"When the Times published "Snow Fall," many hailed it as the way forward for digital storytelling, while others questioned whether the feature -- which took months to produce -- was a sustainable model because of the time and cost associated with it. But if the newsroom creates more stories presented in the vein of 'The Jockey' and 'Snow Fall,' the Idea Lab believes it is now ready to produce a fitting ad experience. 'The goal is to make this more repeatable,' Ms. Quitasol said."