Dive summary:
- There is a trend of brands touting the use of their products to solve seemingly made up problems developed from consumer research.
- Examples include Secret Clinical Strength Antiperspirant claiming it prevents stress sweat, perspiration brought on by stressful situations rather than from hot temperatures, better than other brands.
- Sun Products' Wisk has gone so far as to create online video ads claiming it solves the problems of "invisible stains" left behind by other detergents.
From the article:
"As if the world doesn't have enough problems, marketers lately have been busy finding new ones most people never knew they had -- from "stress sweat" to invisible laundry stains to eyes that look older from air pollution -- and magically offering a solution.
All are bona fide problems identified by consumer or laboratory research, the companies insist. And they see consumers responding to the solutions, even if critics or commentators sometimes think the problems are made up."