Dive summary:
- Elite Daily, a new publication founded by David Arabov, 22, and Jonathan Francis, 27, is a new publication developed specifically for millennials.
- The staff is built of the targeted millenial generation; with the exception of COO Francis at 27, all staff is between 22 and 24.
- Like most generations, millennials are often stereotyped, but the reality is they can't be ignored; by 2030, 50% of the U.S. workforce will be made up of this generation.
From the article:
“'We saw a huge void in the marketplace,' said Arabov. 'When you are a young person just out of college, you don’t necessarily want to just read the New York Times or Huffington Post.'
The New York Times it isn’t. Elite Daily is more like a mixture of Thought Catalog, Huffington Post and a dash each of Cosmo and Maxim. The publication covers a wide range of subjects, like news, sports, entertainment, business and sex. Articles include industry-specific stories like 'How Are Startups Worth Billions,' news stories like 'Tamerlan Tsarnaev Officially Implicated In 2011 Triple Homicide' and the ever-popular listicle-type stories like '25 Gifs That Perfectly Describe the University of Delaware' and '11 Signs You Need to Leave Your Relationship.'”