For marketers, focusing on Black History Month can be a delicate issue. It's a good idea to commemorate the observance, though if done wrong, a company can come across as glib, ignorant—and worst of all—racist. However, if done effectively, it can give us some really smart, sensitive, and thoughtful ad spots.
Over the years, some brands have really nailed Black History Month themed ads – bringing awareness to both the cause and to the brand. Here are five of Marketing Dive’s favorite ads involving Black History Month.
Verizon Wireless
A big theme of Black History Month has always been focusing on the inspirational stories coming from black communities. In this year’s spot from Verizon Wireless, a team of six kids from the Bronx are profiled winning an app building contest. The mobile carrier profiles the multicultural team that built the mathematics app and hopes to pull at some heart strings in showing how the team pulled together to achieve success.
Network TV station NBC pulled together a long form spot in 2011 that showed the power of community in Chicago area. The spot includes nearly three minutes of black Chicago residents describing and showing the sense of community the city is trying to pull together – particularly with students and teachers from a prep school. It’s a great tribute to what Black History Month should be all about.
Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines approaches Black History Month as a way to propel focus on black history and progress all year long. In a spot with slight Valentine’s Day references, Southwest Airlines profiles its community outreach and grassroots coordinator’s job with promoting The Black Wax Museum and educating urban youth. The little hearts around messaging makes it sort of sweet without being too mushy –and it keeps the content holding up year round.
AT&T not only launched a series of TV spots around Black History Month, but also built an interactive website around the 28 day campaign. The spots and site focus on what AT&T has identified as “game changers” in black – and general – history. The 28 days website showcases the video spots while also offering up quizzes, articles, and other media to celebrate game changers and motivate others to pursue their dreams. It’s a sweet message for a historical month.
Sports channel ESPN delivered a powerful message with minimal speaking in its “Brotherhood Matters” spot. The commercial features two twin brothers – UVA All-Americans Shamel and Rhamel Bratton – that deliver messages of support on their changing t-shirts. The message for Black History Month is to support one another in common struggles, and that a team is stronger than an individual. The quietness of the spot helps draw in attention for an effective delivery of the message.