As centennials (those born after millennials, also known as Generation Z) and millennials have aged into more influential purchasing positions, marketers have taken a keen interest in them.
These younger generations live their lives on mobile; sharing, purchasing and posting via the social apps on the devices they carry. What marketers are finding out is that simply having a mobile presence isn’t enough to reach Gen Y or Gen Z. Sure, advertising on Instagram and Twitter is a good start, but is it effective?
According to digital ad firm 360i, the average Instagram post reaches around 25% to 35% of brand followers. With Facebook, the challenge for marketers is the social network’s algorithm for pushing posts onto a user’s newsfeed favors specific posts, usually not from brands or publishers. On Instagram and Twitter, all posts from everyone a user follows appear on their feed. Because of Facebook’s algorithm, many marketers have turned to Instagram with the notion that a majority of followers will see their posts. Marketers are learning, however, that doesn’t mean every posts will be seen.
The challenge with social applications like Instagram and Twitter is that a post can get lost amid the clutter of hundreds of other posts, particularly if the user has to scroll to find it. Marketers are combating the problem with influencers and emerging platforms to reach the millennials and centennials they seek.
The explosion of social media has created a new kind of celebrity; no longer does an artist, fashionista, or comedian need a big studio or label to have a big break. Partnering with an influential social media user can ensure more people see branded content. According to brand-influencer matchmaker theAmplify, influencer-created brand posts reach approximately 70% of the influencer’s followers on Instagram.
Social influencers have intimate and loyal relationships with their followers -- more like a friendship than a celebrity-fan dynamic. According to SocialChorus, 95% of millennials mark friends as the most credible source for product information. Influencers can help brands benefit from the friendship-style relationships they have with their followers.
Emerging Platforms
Millennials and centennials are on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat of course -- but emerging platforms could be the secret to reaching those generations.
For example, live-streaming video apps like Meerkat and Twitter’s own Periscope have added another layer of engagement for brands trying to reach new users. Brands like Starbucks and Redbull have utilized Meerkat to stream live events that invite users to feel like they are a part of something in the moment. On Periscope, Spotify has used the live-streaming feature for musical performances, bringing live concerts directly to the fans.
Reports have pointed out that the millennial generation prefers to consume experiences rather than stuff. These emerging networks can help grab their attention in a never-ending feed of content by helping Gen Y and Gen Z feel like they are a part of the brand experience.