Dive summary:
- Over 30 percent of all data transferred over the Internet is porn; lingerie brand Blush has developed an app to help you cover-up the indecency with a digital bathing suit.
- The special online app, the De-Nudelizer, allows users to upload any nude pictures they have found surfing and cover up the naughty bits with one of eight Blush swimsuits.
- To use, upload the photo and then simply drag the bathing suit until it covers up the indecent parts; while maybe not the best promotional idea ever, the app is sure to garner some attention with its fun approach.
From the article:
"The app is pretty lo-fi, which is perhaps meant to be a play on low-budget porn site designs – much in the same way the the Ikea fan site dedicated to “Hot Malms“ was. Simply drag the bathing suit over the naked bits of your preferred pic and then scale the bathing suit until it covers the exposed parts."