Internet advertising revenues for the first quarter of 2012 set a new record for the reporting period at $8.4 billion, according to the latest IAB Internet Advertising Report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC U.S. It is the highest first-quarter revenue ever measured by the IAB and PwC and a $1.1 billion–or 15 percent increase–over the $7.3 billion figure reported in the first quarter 2011.
“The year-over-year growth between Q1 2011 and Q1 2012 sets quite a milestone,” said David Silverman, Partner, PwC U.S. “Moreover, a 15 percent increase over the comparable period in 2011 is a solid affirmation the internet is delivering on its promise to attract consumers and the advertising dollars that follow.”
IAB also released a chart tracking first quarter ad revenue since 1996; dollar figures are rounded.