Dive summary:
- Instagram's popularity has exploded in recent years opening up an arena for marketers to capitalize on that many users prefer over other methods.
- The visual and interactive proprieties of Instagram create a perfect platform to build engagement through photo contests.
- Instagram's instant interaction is an ideal platform for any event or conference, making it viable for B2B interactions as well as B2C.
From the article:
"In the last few years, the use of Instagram by companies has skyrocketed. With millions of users, Instagram has become the perfect opportunity for brands to get quick messages and photos to their target audiences.
When Instagram started out, it was simply a way to post pictures with your fans and did not have a lot of marketing value.
However, in the last few years Instagram has proven to be an effective platform for marketers to reach a new audience in a way the audience wants to be marketed to: with visuals and short messages."