Dive summary:
- It's easy to put off Google+ when you already have other social media to manage, but with 500 million users, Google+ is something you should pay attention to; these tips will help. [see full list at Chris Brogan]
- To get started, first decide what type of page you would like to build; typically, a personal page that mixes personal with professional information tends to do the best versus a strictly business page.
- Taking advantages of the communities on Google+ which groups people together based on interest so that you can connect with people already interest in relevant topics to you.
From the article:
"To organize the people you follow, put them into a circle (like a list). The names of your circles aren’t public, so it’s okay if you put me in the 'loudmouth' circle. I find that organizing these early helps you decide where you want to focus your attention, and sometimes, lets you send info to a limited list of people (though as a marketer, I rarely want to limit my posts to a small amount of people.)
Post to 'Public' anything you want to share with the world at large, and/or anything you want Google (the search engine) to index."