Dive summary:
- Heineken is running a Father's Day promotion that plays on the cheesiness of holiday promotions in an intentional way; the beer brand is asking followers to tweet their favorite dad-style joke to @Heineken_US with the hashtag #dadjokes.
- Heineken is then taking the cheesy one liners and pairing them with vintage images; the result is a meme-like photo.
- Also part of the promotion, Heineken will be publishing all the jokes on a dedicated #dadjokes Tumblr that will launch this weekend.
From the article:
"Dorky dads, cheesy family photos and throwback dad pics (remember the Dads Are the Original Hipsters Tumblr?) have all been popular Web trends at one time or another, so Heineken is definitely touching on something that is in tune with popular Web culture. Usually brands’ attempts to get involved in a holiday via social media means really lame, cheesy tweets, but this campaign uses cheesiness intentionally in a way that makes sense for Father’s Day."