Dive summary:
- Conversational Search from Google is not available for use on the Chrome browser; the new update from Google seeks to replicate the ease of human interaction in a browser using natural language and semantic search.
- Conversational search has features like speech recognition for searches, but the real treat is the more human like interaction in search; for example, ask conversational search how old Barack Obama is and it will answer with his age, then ask "how tall is he?," without mentioning his name and Google search will return results on the presidents height without having to be told.
- Currently, conversational search is only available through the speech feature, not through typing; click on the microphone in the search bar on Google's home page to activate conversational search.
From the article:
"Sometimes you can speak and get answers back from a single question that takes in more than what you explicitly said because Google knows where you’re at or you’ve given it access to some of your private information.
Weather is a good example. Here, I spoke, 'Will it rain tomorrow?' and got back:
Google spoke to me, 'No, rain is not expected tomorrow in Newport Beach. The forecast is 70 degrees and cloudy' and displayed the weather forecast. I hadn’t told it where I was, or that I wanted a weather forecast explicitly. But it knew my location, knew rain was related to weather and delivered up a great answer."