Dive summary:
- Foursquare has rolled out post check-in ads that pop up after a user has checked in to a location, helping ad buyers to target certain users.
- Rum brand Captain Morgan is one of the first brands on board with the ads; their campaign will pop up ads after check-ins to certain bars, nightclubs or restaurants, suggesting a Captain Morgan cocktail.
- Ads will be charged on a "per action" basis, meaning brands will only be charged if a user taps on the ad or saves it for later use; Foursquare declined to comment on how much the per action charge was.
From the article:
"Foursquare chief revenue officer Steven Rosenblatt said in an earlier interview that Foursquare will not allow brands to use post check-in ads for 'conquesting;' allowing one brand to advertise to a user who checks in at a competitor's location. If a user checks in at a restaurant, for instance, a rival eatery around the corner would not be able to serve that user a post check-in ad for half off its Pizza Shooters, Shrimp Poppers and Extreme Fajitas Appetizer Ensemble."