Dive Brief:
- CVS, the second-largest pharmacy chain in the US, has officially pulled all tobacco products from its shelves in a move to be seen as a health care one stop shop.
- The company will announce a name change to CVS Health, while retail stores will still be called CVS/Pharmacy.
- The store will now only sell products that help people quit tobacco, with signs that say "We quit tobacco. Ask a trained pharmacist or nurse practitioner to help you quit, too."
Dive Insight:
With 7,700 locations across the US, the move could be end up being a big hit to the tobacco industry, but only time will tell how big of a hit. CVS already has 900 walk-in "minute clinics" that allow for customers to get routine procedures like the flu shot and blood pressure check-ups without having to go to the doctor's office. The popularity of the minute clinics made the sale of tobacco products hypocritical to CVS executives who want the pharmacy to be seen as the best place to get quick healthcare services in the age of the Affordable Care Act.