Dive summary:
- Al Gore's Climate Reality Project hires Arnold Worldwide, one of the agencies behind the big tobacco campaign "Truth" that revealed the industry's ridiculous legal claims, to help debunk deceiving information being spread about climate change; the result was social sharing project Reality Drop.
- Reality Drop finds climate news from around the globe and compares it with current scientific data then separates those articles into two groups; red means the article contains climate myths, green means the article contains reliable evidence that climate change is happening.
- Participants are encouraged to share green articles and to post scientific data into the comments of red articles; friendly competition has been created by giving participants points for sharing and posting which turn into badge wins.
From the article:
"The idea is that people should share the green articles on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the truth. For the red articles, people are asked to combat the myth-spreading by calling it out in the comment sections of these stories and “dropping some reality” by copying and pasting the real facts that Reality Drop provides on the site. Reality Drop offers a database of more than 100 popular climate change myths along with the science to refute them."