Dive summary:
- With Facebook apps, marketers can add a list of features to increase value in their Facebook pages; to get started, there are six main marketing uses for Facebook apps. [see full list at Social Media Examiner]
- While you are likely already posting blog entries to Facebook, installing an app allows you to house an archive of your blog posts directly on the social network; with the app, followers never have to leave the network to read your blog.
- If you or your client sell products, there are Facebook apps that allow you to set up an ecommerce feature; with these apps, you can sell items directly from your Facebook page without navigating users to your site.
From the article:
"At any one time, you can install up to 11 apps on your Page, but only four are visible in the thumbnail images directly beneath your cover photo.
While Photos always appears as the first app, you can choose which apps show in the remaining three spots. Any additional apps you install can be viewed by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the app images."