As a marketer, you already understand the value a conference provides to both your business and your career. There are networking opportunities galore and it is also just plain fun. The tricky part is deciding which conferences are worth your precious time to attend.
To make your decision a bit easier, we have compiled a list of five conferences that won’t disappoint you. See below five marketing conferences worth attending this year:
Social Media Week is a week long event that takes place in different locations across the globe simultaneously. Coming up in September 23-27, 2013, there will be events in Barcelona, Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Torino, and Toronto. During the week of February 17-21, 2014, Social Media Week will be occurring in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Lagos, Miami, Milan, New York, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, and Washington D.C.
Each city hosts a long list of mostly free events with different sponsors all connected with one general conference theme. This year the theme is “Everything is Connected.”
Brand Manage Camp is a two-day jam-packed event being held in Las Vegas on Sept. 16-17, 2013. In just those two days you can sit in on 14 expert speakers in areas like marketing, social media, branding, and other related fields.
Held at the MGM in Las Vegas, attendees will have plenty of opportunity to explore the night life of Sin City, including a cocktail reception after day one of speakers.
If you can’t make it out to Brand ManageCamp in person, the event has pulled together a monthly webcast of industry stars that you can access online for free.
The INBOUND conference, produced by HubSpot, is the world’s largest inbound marketing conference. This year it is being held Aug 19-22, 2013 in Boston.
The conference is varied with 100+ presenters, product demos, and even the opportunity to become certified in inbound marketing. In addition to the learning, attendees will have the opportunity to attend parties and a live concert, affectionately named INBOUND Rocks.
Content Marketing World, produced by Content Marketing Institute, is the world’s largest content marketing conference. This year’s Content Marketing World is being held Sept 9-11 in Cleveland, OH.
The speaker lineup harbors some big-time brands including Coca-Cola, CISCO, Hershey, and Intel. Attendees can also sign up to participate in hands-on workshops at the start of the week. Content Marketing World has prepared plenty of entertainment options with events at the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame and Cleveland’s House of Blues.
5) DMA 2013
The DMA Annual Conference brings in direct marketers and data industry professionals from all over the globe. This year’s event is being held Oct 12-17, 2013 in Chicago.
Over 200 presenters from all over the globe will be sharing their knowledge at DMA 2013. Combined with the pre-conference intensives, the post conference certifications, networking events, and loud parties, DMA 2013 provides a week long haven for data-driven marketers.