Dive summary:
- General tech/business - The Counterintuitive CEO, Laughing Squid, and Blog Maverick.
- Agencies - Deep Focus, Big Spaceship, 22Squared, 360i, Barbarian and Organic.
- Creative Resources - Vimeo staff blog, David Airey, Depressed Copywriter, and NewWork.
- Branded Content - Tubefilter, ReelSEO, and What's Trending.
For a quick overview of each blog, and why you should read it, check out the full post over at iMedia Connection.
From the article:
It's a big internet. There's always something new going on, and there's always something new you need to understand. So what is the essential reading list for people who want to make sense of the digital world? That's what you're going to find in this article. And while you might already be familiar with some of these blogs, there are almost certainly others that you haven't come across before. Of course, this list isn't comprehensive. In fact, it's a starting point. That's where you come in, dear reader. I know you have a few of your own blogs that are go-to sources for information. All ...