Google+ has proven its worth as a viable social media platform, but not every social media marketer quite has the hang of it yet. Luckily, there is a large group of marketing experts who have figured out its value and are effectively navigating the social network everyday. This group of talented professionals can serve as examples to those of us still trying to take it all in; or really just wanting to learn as much as we can.
To help you find the best resources, we've pulled together a list of 10 of the best marketers to follow on Google+ and what makes each of their accounts a must-follow.
Why he’s a must-follow: He's the creator of "G+ Jedi" training
Chris Lang is a self-proclaimed “G+ Jedi” who has gone so far as to create a program to help others rise beyond the level of what we can only assume is "G+ Padawan." Clearly, Lang has a tight grip on how to leverage a Google+ page for business, and, as you may have gathered, he has a great sense of humor to boot. This is echoed in his cover photo, which features him standing in front of a corn field with the words “Chris Lang – Outstanding In His Field.”

Why he’s a must-follow: He can see the future.
As a principle for the Altimeter Group, a research-based advisory firm, Brian Solis has access to all of the new information pouring in about emerging media. Because of this, he is great at offering predictions and reporting on upcoming trends. Following Solis will provide you with an abundance of information on the state of social media.

Why he’s a must-follow: He's an expert in all things social media
As the CEO of popular online publication Social Media Examiner, you can bet Michael Stelzner has his finger on the pulse of all happenings in social media. Stelzner is also quite active in the hangout community, constantly hosting or participating in worthwhile Google+ hangouts. Following him will give you an opportunity to jump in on these informative sessions.

Why he's a must-follow: His insider view from Google
It should be no surprise that someone from Google would make it to the list. Enter Avinash Kaushik, a Digital Marketing Evangelist for the tech giant. Kaushik is not all about Google on his plus page, but what better reason to follow him?

Why he’s a must-follow: He's a New York Times best selling author who brings his writing skills to each post
Social media and content strategy consultant Jay Baer is a digital marketing pioneer. He is sought after as a speaker, as well as the New York Times best-selling author of Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype. Thousands of people look to Baer for his advice, so you'll likely learn a thing or two from following him.

Why he’s a must-follow: He runs Marketing Land.
As the Editor in Chief of online publication Marketing Land, Matt McGee knows all of the latest about the industry. His Google+ page is a veritable treasure trove of newsworthy information from the world of marketing.

Why she’s a must follow: Perfect work/life balance
Jenny Stradling, CEO at Eminent SEO, encompasses a lot of what Google+ should be about. She shares great marketing ideas while also understanding the platform is a place to have fun by sharing photos, fun facts and insight into your daily life. Following Stradling will keep your stream fresh.

Why she’s a must follow: You can see a community manager in action.
The community manager at Moz, Jennifer Sable Lopez brings her work to her Google+ page. Following Lopez will give you a huge dose of SEO knowledge with a sunshine-y demeanor. Oh, and you won't want to miss the office dance parties caught on video.

Why he’s a must-follow: He knows all things SEO, including Google+ influence.
Internet marketing and SEO consultant, Bill Slawski, offers up a great deal of SEO knowledge on his Google+ page. Even better, a healthy percentage talks about the role of Google+ in search. His ability to administer knowledge to clients shows through in his posts.

Why he’s a must-follow: He's the self-proclaimed Jay Z of Inbound Marketing and the Don Draper of SEO.
Michael King, director of inbound marketing at iAcquire, certainly has a way with words. On his profile, he refers to himself as "the Jay Z of Inbound Marketing" and the "Don Draper of SEO." Plus, the only sentence in his introduction is, “I am so coooool.” That pokey, bragging style of fun grabs your attention, but King truly brings a lot to the table with the content he shares.

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