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Mike and Ike, Hot Tamales hit sweet spot with mobile promotion

Candy maker Just Born Inc. is running a sweepstakes promotion that incorporates mobile bar codes on its Mike and Ike and Hot Tamales sweets. 

Starting August, consumers can enter for a chance to win music, candy and gear via the instant win and grand prize sweepstakes promotion. The company is also use social media such as Facebook to drive awareness about the initiative.

?Our strategy for this promotion is to create excitement and relevance for our teen and young adult target,? said Donald Houston, senior brand manager of Just Born.

?By using music to reach this group, we can combine the love of their favorite music and the love of their favorite candy in one fun promotion,? he said.

Just Born is a privately owned company founded in 1923 and headquartered in Bethlehem, PA, where it manufactures Peeps, Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, Zours, Peanut Chews and Teenee Beanee candy.

Candy game
Consumers can scan a QR code, which is located on the back of the package or display header.

Users are then redirected to a page where they can learn more about the promotion.

?Our strategy for including a mobile entry to the sweepstakes was to capture the immediate interest and excitement of the promotion when consumers see our product in-store or after they purchased the product,? Mr. Houston said.

The company is getting the word out about the promotion through social media efforts.

Social effort
Additionally, Mike and Ike and Hot Tamales Facebook pages will host a weekly random drawing from all entered participants. 

Fans will have another opportunity to win prizes such as headphones, docking stations, hoodies and candy.

For the mobile sweepstakes there will be more than 10 million limited edition packages of Hot Tamales,

Mike and Ike Original Fruits, Berry Blast and RedRageous varieties in 6 oz and 9.5 oz theater boxes circulated.

The company is also placing unique alphanumeric codes inside each package.

Consumers can log-in at the brand Web sites or Facebook pages to enter the code.

Instant Win prizes include more than 200 iPod touches and more than 30,000 $10 iTunes gift cards.

The promotion will continue through November.

?We are advertising on radio and social media as well as prominently communicating our promotion on approximately 10 million packs in store,? Mr. Houston said.

?The Mike and Ike brand targets teens and young adults,? he said. ?This group is at the forefront of integrating social media, mobile, and Web. 

?We want to communicate our promotions and brand message across all relevant mediums for this target.?

Final Take
Rimma Kats is staff reporter on Mobile Marketer, New York