Frito-Lay enhances in-store promotion via augmented reality app
PepsiCo?s Frito-Lay division is enhancing an in-store promotion via an augmented reality mobile application enabling shoppers to interact with characters from the popular Skylanders Giants game.
Users can download the free Skylanders Giants In-Store Adventure app and then scan in-store displays as well as special-edition Frito-Lay variety packs to see one of the characters from the game appear on their mobile device. This is the second year that Frito-Lay and Activision, which makes Skylanders Giants, have partnered on an in-store promotion and the first that includes augmented reality as a key activation mechanism.
"Augmented reality truly is the perfect platform for our Frito-Lay-Activision promotion this year, as we?re bringing to life in store Activision?s Skylanders Giants property in an engaging way, beyond
leveraging their likenesses on Frito-Lay point-of-sale materials,? said Jolawn Victor, senior marketing manager at Frito-Lay, Plano, TX.
"2012 was the first year we partnered with Activision to launch a Skylanders-themed promotion, and it proved very successful, generating more shopper excitement than we expected,? she said. ?So, the natural progression is to extend the program in an even bigger, more engaging way in 2013.
?Augmented reality allows shoppers to bring the iconic Skylanders Giants characters to life on their smartphones by scanning in-store displays for Frito-Lay variety packs of snacks. Then, they can take photos of themselves and their families, which appear on screen as if they?re really interacting with the characters while they shop. It?s a unique and innovative way to entertain our consumers while they shop.?
Shopping entertainment
The promotion includes three different in-store displays that urge shoppers to use their mobile device to see three Skylanders Giants in 3D.
Once the Skylanders Giants character appears on shoppers? mobile devices, users can manipulate the character, overlay it on a picture taken through the app and instantly share the photos via email, Twitter or text message.
When shoppers use the app to scan all three Frito-Lay and Skylanders Giants in-store displays, they will unlock additional interactive content.
?Mobile is a key component of this promotion,? Ms. Victor said. ?Shoppers must have a smartphone to use the augmented reality app and experience Skylanders Giants in this new and unique way.
?We know shoppers use their mobile devices while in store, so offering an experience that makes shopping - especially back-to-school shopping - more fun and engaging is a big win for us,? she said.
The app is available on iOS and Android platforms.
The promotion extends through Sept. 2, 2013.
Initial results
Users also have a chance to collect four special-edition Skylanders Giants figures by purchasing specially marked Frito-Lay 20-count variety packs of snacks and entering the unique in-pack code online. Four different figures, compatible with the Skylanders Giants video game, are available through the offer.
Consumers will pay a fee of $2.50 per character for shipping and handling to redeem figures.
Skylanders Giants was the best-selling kids' game of 2012.

The in-store promotion
?By sharing their interactive experiences via social media, consumers are helping drive traffic to retail stores, where additional fans see for themselves how Skylanders Giants characters come to life in 3D on their mobile devices just by scanning Frito-Lay displays,? she said.
Final Take
Chantal Tode is associate editor on Mobile Marketer, New York