Procter & Gamble?s Secret iAd campaign raises awareness on bullying
Procter & Gamble?s Secret deodorant is raising awareness about bullying via an interactive ?Mean Stinks? iAd campaign.
Secret is also launching an iAd for the Mean Stinks program on Apple's mobile advertising network and will donate $1.00 to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center for every user who saves a special wallpaper to their iPhone and iPod touch when they see the ad in their favorite apps.
?Secret, maker of the leading-selling female anti-perspirants and deodorants in the U.S., has launched the Secret Mean Stinks campaign to give young women the courage to stand up to a behavior that ?stinks? ? bullying,? said Bessie Zhang, spokeswoman for P&G.
?We have created a digital platform on Facebook, as well as an iAd that debuted on Apple?s mobile advertising network on July 19,? she said.
P&G Beauty & Grooming offers trusted brands with leading technology to meet the full complement of beauty and grooming needs, including Pantene, Olay, Head & Shoulders, Max Factor, Cover Girl and Frederic Fekkai.
Mobile iAd
The iAd mobile banner ad reads ?Mean Stinks. Help End Bullying.?
When consumers click on the banner ad they are redirected to a mobile landing page that reads ?Help Secret stand up to what really stinks: Being Mean. Just download or share a Mean Stinks wallpaper and
Secret will donate $1.00 to PACER?s National Bullying Prevention Center.?
Then, users are redirected to another page where they can choose to make their own wallpaper or browse available ones.
?The iAd allows us to reach our demographic through her favorite iPhone or iPod touch applications,? Ms. Zhang said.
?We will donate $1.00 to Pacer?s National Bullying Prevention Program for every user who saves a Mean Stinks wallpaper to her device,? she said.
?This brings the digital campaign to life by creating tangible, ?real world? effects.?
Via the iAd, consumers can browse available wallpapers that they can save to their homepage screen.
Additionally, users can save and text a wallpaper to friends and family, as well as email it.
?While I cannot speak for the company as a whole, this specific campaign speaks to a demographic that is closely tied to their mobile devices,? Ms. Zhang said. ?Thus, mobile-based advertisements are a highly effective way of reaching our intended audience.
?The mobile world is an area of exciting growth that we will continue to explore,? she said.
Final Take
Rimma Kats is staff reporter on Mobile Marketer, New York