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Five mobile CRM strategies to win the new consumer

By Bob Gold

Sometimes I just sit back and watch people -- at work, when traveling, even my teenage kids. I am amazed how many people are routinely engaged in multiple, simultaneous activities between their computers, mobile devices, GPS systems and MP3 players.

That said, I still feel it is rude when people are at lunch or in a meeting and they are spending most of their time interacting with their mobile devices.

However, it appears that I may soon be in the minority. People are on information overload, but it seems our society is becoming increasingly addicted to instant gratification.

Because of this social trend, both business people and consumers have a much greater need for filtering in their lives. Plus, consumers are socialized to believe they should have greater control of the content and messages they opt-in for:

  • TiVo skips over the commercials
  • Millions of people subscribe to satellite radio to gain wider choice and avoid advertising messages
  • Banner blindness on Web sites is a real issue for advertisers
  • Contextual search has fast become a major industry, enabling people to more quickly and efficiently filter through content

Where does this leave traditional marketing and advertising and all the people with many years of expertise in television, radio and print advertising?

Is your brand message the one that is going to be filtered out or are you exploiting this behavior and channeling consumers to opt-in to receive your branded content?

How can mobile marketing help?

Mobile communications is the ultimate form of social marketing. If used correctly, it can help your company build loyalty and deeper lifestyle relationships with your prospective and existing customers.

Those companies wishing to elevate and expand their product sales need to quickly understand that today's consumers are looking for brands to be an integral part of the content and not just interrupt content with a standard message.

In my 10 years of research on believability and building consumer trust and credibility, never before has this approach to marketing been as critical as it is today in getting consumers to opt-in to your messaging, brand and story.

Here are five important mobile strategies to win over the new consumer:

Create multiple channels for customers to easily opt in. Include mobile opt-in in your direct mail, Web site, product packaging and radio and TV campaigns.

Deliver service to the P.O.S. -- point of search. How often are prospects or customers mobile when they want information or are ready to act?

Mobile provides customers and prospects with a broad range of push-pull techniques. Push: Your opt-in database of mobile customers can receive information based on their preferences, locations and behavior. Pull: using a system of mobile keywords, they can request specific data whenever or wherever they want.

Create an agile response system. Re-examine your customer relationship marketing communications strategy to create immediate servicing of mobile consumers. Map out where and when you get your customer service calls and incorporate in your call center and IVR immediate mobile "push" of content right into the palm of their hand.

Deliver content in multiple formats. Consider a long-term strategy of providing mobile content that enables you to reach the maximum number of people by integrating mobile messaging, mobile Web and downloadable handset applications.

Make it personal. It is no longer about reaching a mass audience but rather masses of audiences. Create various opt-in categories and choices so you can highly target specific demographics with a personal touch.

Going forward, we will be including many case studies, so please contact me with any examples, lessons learned and suggestions relating to your mobile CRM experiences.

Bob Gold is CEO of Gold Mobile, a Clark, NJ-based provider of mobile marketing and technology services. Reach Mr. Gold at
or text "bob" plus your contact information or short message to "51684".