How all detergent hits a home run with mobile moms
All brand laundry detergent is helping moms make messy moments memorable in a new campaign that turns their mobile device into a movie-making machine, fortifying a customer experience designed to increase brand recall and affinity.
Utilizing Magisto's cloud-based smart technology, all?s "Summer Play" campaign enables mobile moms to produce professional-quality videos featuring their kids at their dirtiest and most fun moments. The brand wins at understanding how this consumer groups want to engage, the channels they are on, and how to re-engage them to come back to the store, something many other brands are fail at today.
?As advertisers nine out of ten times we are communicating our brand positioning and brand attributes by telling consumers who we are through advertising and communications,? said Reid Genauer , chief marketing officer with Magisto.
?User generated content affords us a chance to change that dynamic and to listen to our customers, and potential customers. With UGC we turn the lens around and celebrate the richness of their life stories under a brand umbrella.?
?In terms of increasing recall we believe this is one of the highest ways to create brand affinity - in a broad sense we are interacting with customers in the context and retelling of their life stories - which is incredibly intimate,? he said.
Picture perfect
Thus far the campaign has created 305,527 all branded "Summer Play" movies and garnered 1,208,544 movie views. The project is on target to hit 600,000 movies by the end of the summer.
The Magisto campaign enables parents to document, preserve and share their kids' summertime moments in videos set to custom themed music and select imagery to inspire sharing across multiple social platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. More than 40 million people are currently engaged in Magisto's user base.
Since all is sponsoring Magisto?s ?Summer Play? editing theme, anyone using Magisto who makes a movie using the Summer Play theme over the course of the summer gets subtle all branding at the end of the movie, ?presented by all.?
?As opposed to traditional advertising we can afford to be subtle with the brand messaging in this instance because the touch is so intimate,? Mr. Genauer said. ?The consumer is psychographically pre-qualified and the pairing of Summer Play movies and all winds up being very authentic.?
As the Official Detergent of Little League Baseball, the first phase of the "Summer Play" promotion, which launched in June, encouraged moms to capture the dirtiest moments from Little League games across the country. The July promotion phase expanded to all summer sports and in August the campaign continues by asking moms to submit video that captures the very best memories from Summer 2014.
?By inviting and directing our existing brand enthusiasts to create and share personal videos showing their love of Little League and of summer play we are able engage with them around their lives and their passions,? Mr. Genauer said. ?It?s almost as if the brand is a person in a conversation pausing to say ?tell me about you.??
By entering videos into the campaign, parents can win prizes such as a trip to the Little League Baseball World Series.
Giving up control
User generate content is a hot topic, as it reinforces the belief that brand must give up control and invite consumers into the driving seat. Consumers will come up with great ideas of their own, and this in turn will generate interest in the brand online.
Businesses must stop talking at consumers, and start a conversation. Brands need to retain their role as producers of compelling and relevant marketing, but also create exciting opportunities to harness the power of online media to amplify the effectiveness of marketing.
Mobile communication is all about spontaneous sharing, and this is what the ?Summer Play? event is capturing beautifully.
?Video unto itself may or may not be a great form of engagement; It is in the editing and production of video that the engagement is really unlocked,? Mr. Genauer said. ?Where we think we have really tapped into something is giving the power of video editing to the consumer. In so doing we are unlocking the potential of video to convey story, sense of place and emotion.?
Expressed in those terms the brand becomes an enabler in capturing, producing and sharing personal experiences, as a result providing real value to the customer and in exchange they are helping all tell the brand story through their eyes and their lives.
It?s a value exchange that provides benefit for both the consumer and the brand.
So how can brands effectively connect and make an emotional connection and experience with these different consumer groups? They must understand the key drivers around purchasing behavior, social behavior and choose interactions and experiences that go across multiple mobile channels to appeal to each demographic.
?It?s hard to compare this to a traditional TV ad and it?s an absolutely necessary comparison. Besides being wonderfully engaging and expressive, user generated video campaigns are reasonably priced and afford the client the opportunity to run a mix of traditional media and UGC campaigns,? Mr. Genauer said.
?They both have unique attributes and distinct value in a media mix.?
Final Take
Michelle is editorial assistant on Mobile Marketer, New York