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Lifetime taps mobile bar codes to increase viewership of new show

Lifetime Television is using 2D bar codes to promote the premiere of its new show ?The Fairy Jobmother.?

The network partnered with Jagtag for the mobile campaign. The 2D bar codes are incorporated online, in print materials and in a television commercial.

?The strategy was to create awareness around The Fairy Jobmother launch through non-traditional media and engage the potential viewer to the brand in an action-oriented process where they receive not just a promo, but informative content,? said Alex Ignon, vice president of media and consumer promotions at Lifetime Television, New York.

?The content we are providing is on brand with the show, and the user can further engage with the code by opting in for updates to their phones,? he said. ?All of this creates an added investment because the user is taking the time to interact with the ad.?

Lifetime provides programming that advocates on a wide range of issues affecting women and their families.

Jagtag?s 2D bar code service does not require consumers to download an application.

Mobile TV
The Jagtags are featured in TV ads on Lifetime, as well as print ads in publications such as US Weekly, People and Metro NY.

Additionally, the 2D bar codes appear in New York City subways, bus shelters mall dioramas in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Atlanta.

Consumers can take a photo of the bar code and email it to or text it to the short code 524824.

?Bar codes give us the ability to reach consumers on their personal devices that are more everyday becoming the platform they use for consuming media and getting information,? Mr. Ignon said. ?It also allows us to really pinpoint the media that viewers engage with since one needs to take action to get the content. 

Bar code interaction
After users send the photo, they can receive videos such as how-to tips for using social networking during the job search.

In addition, consumers can opt-in to receive tune-in reminders.

?2D bar codes enable advertisers to extend physical media by sharing digital content, and reaching their audiences directly on their mobile phones,? said Ed Jordan, CEO of Jagtag, New York.  ?Lifetime has partnered with Jagtag for an exciting mobile marketing campaign to promote the launch of its new series and encourage fans to tune in.

?By taking and sending a photo of the Jagtags, fans can quickly receive videos featuring the show?s star, Hayley Taylor, with helpful tips for the job search, and even sign up for mobile alerts that remind them to tune in,? he said.