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AT&T to introduce mobile TV service

AT&T Inc. has struck a deal with Qualcomm Inc.'s MediaFlo USA Inc. arm to launch mobile television services with live programming.

The AT&T Mobile TV with Flo service will go live in May on two handsets, the LG Vu and the Samsung Access. The service will also feature two exclusive channels that will soon be made public.

"This is the first time [on mobile TV] with MediaFlo," said Mark Siegel, spokesman at AT&T, Atlanta. "The idea is to continue to give our customers the maximum choice in what they want to do with their phone, in this case, actual broadcasts."

AT&T Mobile TV will offer content from networks including CBS Mobile, Comedy Central, ESPN Mobile TV, Fox Mobile, MTV, Nickelodeon, NBC News2Go and NBC2GO.

MediaFlo, San Diego, offers all these channels through full-length simulcast and time-shifted programming.

AT&T currently offers subscribers access to TV programs through a partnership with the privately held broadband and mobile entertainment MobiTV Inc., Emeryville, CA.

AT&T is the nation's leading wireless carrier.

With this deal, it hopes to not only retain the loyalty of existing subscribers but also woo customers of rival carriers such as Verizon Wireless, Alltel Wireless and Sprint.

While details weren't immediately available on the advertising opportunities, the new AT&T Mobile TV offering will be offered to customers at a cost.

"Obviously we're in this to give a great service, but we're in this to also make money," Mr. Siegel said. "But those details will be available in May. But we'll charge money for it."