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Cetaphil takes a swipe at consumer-facing marketing with mobile, social

Skin care brand Cetaphil has launched its first fully integrated marketing campaign with a new consumer-facing strategy that broadens awareness and more effectively engages users through mobile and social media.

The “Gentle Power” campaign includes traditional and social media, ecommerce, and media planning efforts that marks a change in Cetaphil?s advertising tactics, which have previously relied upon the professional counsel of dermatologists. Cetaphil developed the campaign with Cramer-Krasselt.

?The key is fluidity of the consumer journey across media channels. Cetaphil did an excellent job in the professional space to introduce their product offerings,” said Peter Krivkovic, chairman/CEO, Cramer-Krasselt, Chicago. ”Now we want to make sure that we hit our target across its entire journey whether a consumer is in the dermatologist?s office, in a store, at work, in transit or at home.

?While Cetaphil has done some mobile before, Cramer-Krasselt approached the opportunity from an integration perspective, taking the mobile ? and indeed, all the advertising ? across platforms and content types to broaden awareness and engage new consumers,” he said.

Skin deep
The television, print, and digital advertisements for the campaign hone in on skin, and are paired with statements that demonstrate how consumers balance their daily lives in accordance with the way Cetaphil products balance the daily demands of their skin.

Created by the brand?s new agency of record, Cramer-Krasselt, ?Gentle Power? highlights the line?s skin cleaner, moisturizing cream and gentle cleansing cloths in a promotional, 15-second video.

Cetaphil is stepping up its social efforts with more personalized content geared towards addressing users as a community of friends and family, whose opinions you can trust.

Social layers
Cetaphil has traditionally used Facebook and other social networks as a promotion platform to introduce and advertise its products, highlighting publicity as an engagement mechanism to connect to fans via two-way communications.

The brand has also implemented social media tools to garner control over customer-service based needs and elicit user generated content in a fashion which allows the consumer to choose how they would like to communicate or participate.

In an effort to engage with consumers more directly, Cetaphil ran the ?Giving Thanks for Cetaphil Super Fans: A Community Advocacy and Social Engagement Campaign? in 2012.

For several weeks, the Cetaphil Facebook page went on a blackout of all brand promotion and focused solely on consumers to recognize their loyalty.

The campaign chose daily ?superfans? whose enthusiam was contagious to the brand, and encouraged others to be active on the Facebook page. Winners were rewarded with all-inclusive trips that comprised of a concert, make-over, revamped wardrobe, and photo shoot.

Galderma, maker of the therapeutic skin care line Cetaphil launched an app last year for its rosacea treatment medication, Mirvaso.

The app was a promotional vehicle for Galderma, aiming to engage users of Mirvaso, to publish before and after photos to their social networks.

The app prompted users to take a before photo, and then sends subsequent reminders to

take photos throughout the day to see progress.

The ?Gentle Power? campaign reflects a long awaited and successful strategy by Galderma in their promotion of the Cetaphil brand through consumers and community.

Historically, the pharma company has relied heavily on viral media, social networking and other direct to consumer forums in the promotion of the star brand.

This promotion is built on the brand?s modest, relateable and reliable image and paralayed into a community forum for promotion

?C-K?s creative approach with the ?Gentle Power? campaign avoids all the usual traps and clichés this category often depends on. There is no celebrity spokesperson or a special focus on a secret ingredient; we simply showcase the products and how they work.?

Final Take:
Michelle is editorial assistant on Mobile Marketer, New York