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Twentieth Century Fox puts Uber in driver?s seat to promote film

In Uber?s first coordinated, multi-city event through the application, film studio 20th Century Fox is giving users of the ride-sharing service a chance to win exclusive passes to an advance screening of the film, "Kingsman: The Secret Service."

While Uber has been quickly growing, it is also facing growing competition and, as a result, is looking at providing users with value-add experiences to drive loyalty. The promotion is an example of how marketers such as 20th Century Fox are looking to partner with successful mobile apps to reach consumers where they are spending their time. 

?With the increasing proliferation of mobile marketing, brands have to think about how they can add value in a way that fits into the lives of their customers,? said Seth Traum, a partner at Vivaldi Partners Group. ?As certain mobile platforms become more popular, how can they be leveraged by other brands to capture share of mind and get in on the action? 

?By crafting campaigns that leverage already successful mobile platforms, but in an organic way that makes sense for both brands involved, both brands can win,? he said. ?The key is that the mobile campaign has to fit with the existing equities of each brand, as consumers have good BS detectors, and get angry when they feel a brand is intruding into their lives.?

Advance screening
?Between Jan. 12 and 15, consumers who are registered Uber users have a chance to win tickets to see Kingsman: The Secret Service on Thursday, Jan. 15 ? a month before it hits theaters.

The advance screenings will all take place on the same night at 7 p.m. in 50 cities around the country. 
To enter, Uber users can visit the site to find a list of participating cities, with a coinciding promo code for each. To be eligible, consumers must enter the promo code in the app before the cut off at 10 a.m. local time on Jan. 15. 

The winners will receive an email prior to the screening with instructions about how to get to the theater. 
Riders in nine cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, New York and Toronto, will also have a chance to win complimentary ride to the theater and exclusive Kingsman swag. 

Three winners also attend a Kingsman event to be held in New York on Feb. 9. 

Consumers outside of the participating cities can enter the code ?Kingsman? into the Uber app for a chance to win the trip to New York. 

In the driver?s seat
The Kingsman promotion joins a small but growing list of mobile marketing campaigns leveraging Uber. 

In December, spirits brand Johnnie Walker leveraged Uber to offer 250,000 kilometers of free ride points in several cities in Britain to discourage holiday partygoers from driving after having had a few drinks (see story). 

In the United States, wine-shopping app Hello Vino partnered with Uber for a similar promotion (see story). 

Additionally, Hyatt Hotels integrated its mobile app with Uber earlier in 2014 to make it easier for guests to get from their current location to their Hyatt hotel (see story). 

Uber needs to choose marketing partners wisely for it to make sense and have some sort of local travel associated with it. 

?More and more people are looking for companies that match them with services they want on the fly,? said Joshua Boltuch, CEO of Fancy Hands, a personal assistant service.

?As mainstream adoption of Uber and other on-demand services increase, expect to see more brands working with these companies to gain a competitive advantage,? he said. 
Final Take?
Chantal Tode is senior editor on Mobile Marketer, New York