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Flirtomatic runs Miss Great Britain 2009 mobile contest

Mobile and online flirting service Flirtomatic, in conjunction with its sponsorship of Miss Great Britain 2009, has launched the Miss GB Face of Flirtomatic competition.

It's the first time in the history of Miss Great Britain that girls will be able to enter the competition via their mobile phone by using Flirtomatic. The Miss GB Face of Flirtomatic competition is the penultimate round, giving girls their final chance to enter and win Miss Great Britain 2009.

"The Miss Great Britain competition provides us with an event which is a great match for a lot of our users," said Matt Dicks, head of marketing for Flirtomatic, London. "To many of them, being crowned Miss Great Britain is something they aspire to and can start them on their dream career path.

"We are always looking for ways to innovate with Flirtomatic," he said. "We think this is the very first time that a beauty contest has used mobile as part of its process."

Launched in 2006, Flirtomatic currently has more than 1 million registered users with more mobile than Web-specific users.

Targeted at young adults -- 75 percent of users are 18"30 years old -- Flirtomatic operates a free and uninterrupted service letting users discover members on the basis of their preferences, interests, location and other information stored in their multimedia user profile.

Girls can sign up for the Miss GB Face of Flirtomatic competition by texting keyword GB10 to short code 84500 or by visiting

After uploading an authentic picture, Flirtomatic then sends each girl a gift icon to put on her profile and they can be viewed on the wired or mobile Web in the Face of Flirtomatic league.

The 20 girls who Flirtomatic deem to be most active with other users will be selected from the league and go through to a final judging round.

One girl will be crowned the Face of Flirtomatic and win the final place to compete against 11 other pre-selected girls in the Miss Great Britain '09 pageant.

Always keen to involve all its users and promote its virtual content offerings, Flirtomatic is offering a little something to the guys as well as the girls.

Flirtomatic wants people to interact as much as possible with the competing girls by chatting, rating them and by sending Flirtograms and Super Snogs.

The 10 users -- male or female -- who interact most with the girls will be selected as judges in the final judging round for the Face of Flirtomatic.

The 10 lucky judges will also each win two VIP tickets to the final of Miss Great Britain on May 12 and find out if they helped to discover the next Miss Great Britain.

The Face of Flirtomatic competition runs until April 17 and is only open to British users.

Any girl with a Flirtomatic profile has the chance the to win the Miss GB Face of Flirtomatic competition and book their place in the final of Miss Great Britain 2009 on May 12 at Café de Paris in London.

Flirtomatic is the first branded consumer service of Handmade Mobile Ltd.

Flirtomatic users are sending over 25 million messages a month and generating more than 100 million WAP page views a month, according to Handmade Mobile.

Flirtomatic has received venture funding from Doughty Hanson Technology Ventures and Seraphim Capital.

"Flirtomatic is sponsoring the Miss Great Britain competition so [our logo] will be appearing on banners and promotional material for the event," Mr. Dicks said. "The Miss Great Britain brand is obviously appearing on Flirtomatic as part of the competition for our users.

"Flirtomatic will get the word out about the Miss Great Britain initiative with promotion to our user base with messages directing people towards the Miss GB Flirtomatic profile, coverage in national press and our own Facebook group, bringing in new users, and banners on network operator portals and, of course, through word of mouth," he said.