Maytag's video expresses range of emotions about Facebook's new symbols
Home appliance brand Maytag is connecting with consumers over Facebook?s expansion of the like button via a humorous video offering the Maytag Man's take on the different emotions that can now be expressed using emoji.
Facebook has finally answered a long-time user request with the addition of emojis to the like button for a wider range of feedback on comments and posts. The Maytag Man?s comedic video is celebrating the new feature with his own interpretation of the emoji responses, which ends up being the same facial expression for every emoji.
Facebook frenzy
Facebook is aflutter with excited users who are now able to more accurately express how they feel while pressing the like button on user-generated content, and Maytag is not missing out on the conversation. The brand shared yet another humorous video featuring its Maytag Man character for the occasion.

The video showcases the Maytag Man completing his various duties as appliances around the home such as washing dishes, keeping food cold and cleaning clothes. While completing his tasks the video shows his interpretations of the new emoji responses such as like, love, haha, wow, sad and angry.
Maytag includes the caption ?powerful reactions deserve powerful expressions,? but the catch to the video is that the Maytag Man?s face remains straight and the same for every feeling.
The brand is hoping to get in on the buzzed-about topic and assume an image of a friend discussing the pop-culture subject. The new Facebook feature allows users to select emojis such as like, love, haha, wow, sad and angry instead of the past version, which limited users to only liking the post.
The limitation in the past bothered users as it prohibited any from of emotional range, making it awkward when attempting to show support on a post about something sad or upsetting. For instance, if a user had posted about a loved one who had passed away, the only option was to ?like? the post.
Social media blitz
CVS similarly leveraged a pull of hashtags to get Twitter users in the Valentine?s Day spirit, sharing various new ideas to incorporate products into consumers? gift giving and getting in on widely discussed topic on social media (see more).
L?Oreal Paris rolled out the red carpet for a campaign to be a part of Golden Globe discussion, asking celebrity influencers and fans to disperse empowering messages for women on social media via the #WorthSaying hashtag (see more).