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Stracka Design Company LLC, a golf-themed social network, is letting golfers post their scores and statistics on their mobile phones while playing on the course.

The mobile Internet site at is optimized for Apple's iPhone, but golfers can access it to post their hole-by-hole score using any kind of Web-enabled phone, including the BlackBerry. The site hosts a live leaderboard so that golfers' friends, family and competitors can watch their progress live on the Internet or their mobile device.

"Mobile is a new feature of our service, so now instead of golfers putting in their round after they get home to their computer, they can do it hole-by-hole while they're on the course," said Chase Stracka, chief marketing officer of Stracka Design, Houston, TX.

"While our application works just as well on a BlackBerry or any other Web-enabled phone, with the popularity of the iPhone it's a natural extension, since it has a really user-friendly interface," he said.

The Stracka Design is focused on bringing technology to golfers to enhance their golfing experience. The company markets its platform in collaboration with the PGA Tour,, the 670 Score and Facebook.

The site gives golfers a handicap tracking feature, the lengths of their drives, the number of puts per hole and information about how many fairways and greens they hit - all tied to instruction and things to work on to improve their game.

The company touts itself as eco-friendly. Its goal is to replace the need for a paper scorecard.

"The mobile application is basically a digital scorecard so you don't have to post it in when you get home," Mr. Stracka said. "It makes it much easier for golfers to let them do it while they're on the course."

In addition to posting the score, the golfer can also record number of putts, FIR, GIR and driving distance. After the round, the golfer can analyze the round on

"We get between 1,500 and 2,000 18-hole rounds posted every day, and it's obvious to us that it's a really popular feature," Mr. Stracka said.

"To be able to track all your stats and gauge your progress is a really helpful tool and we're now giving you the ability to do it via mobile directly from the golf course," he said. has carved out a niche in the social networking space for golfers. With more than 200,000 golfers worldwide, advertisers can efficiently target golfers on a local level. is ad-supported and free to the golfer.

While there are currently no ads on the mobile platform, advertisers on the site can target individual golf courses to target local golfers.

The site offers many features, including posting scores and maintaining a handicap, recording hole-by-hole statistics, comparing statistics with other golfers with charts and graphs, and uploading videos.

Other highlights include's free Swing Analysis tool, the Stracka Line putting aid and forums for photo-sharing and discussions. Golfers can meet and interact with other golfers while they are on the course and get information about courses around the world.

"We post your information directly onto your profile page on to tie it into your social network," Mr. Straka said.

"The mobile application is live, so your friends can sit on their computer and watch as you progress through your round, just as if they were watching PGA event on TV," he said. has a directory of more than 30,000 golf courses worldwide, including digital yardage maps and video flyovers via Google Maps and Google Earth.

Apple iPhone users can get a icon on their home screen by visiting the site at from the Safari browser, pressing the "+" icon in the bottom menu bar and selecting the "Add to Home Screen" option. They can name it "" or "Handicap Tracker" or whatever they prefer.

The mobile interface is limited only to viewing leaderboards and posting scores. Golfers cannot add courses to their "My Courses" list nor a new tee set. These actions must be done prior to going out to record a live round by visiting the desired course page and clicking "Scorecard."

"To maximize ad support we're offering as many good quality tools to golfers as possible," Mr. Stracka said "Local businesses are able to target golfers in their area without having to purchase a major ad campaign.

"This mobile application will be very popular," he said.