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Social network Friendster goes mobile

Friendster Inc., one of the top five social networks online, has gone mobile.

The ad-supported site is targeted to online users of Friendster as well as consumers engaged in social networking. The site is free for all users, but users are still subject to their particular carrier data or wireless Internet service provider plan.

"We launched to enable more effective communication with friends while away from a computer," said Jeff Roberto, marketing director of Friendster, San Francisco.

Friendster's new mobile site is accessible at from any Web-enabled mobile device.

The new mobile site is the first in a suite of mobile offerings called Friendster Mobile.

Users can get updates on their friends' activities, check messages, review friend requests, post shoutouts, browse photos and user profiles, and access their Fan Profiles. They can also search for users by name or email, view birthdays, read horoscopes and post bulletins.

The news was announced in Metro Manila, Makati City, Philippines May 19 at a Social Networking conference.

Friendster claims it is the eighth-largest Web site in the world and No. 1 in user engagement among top social networks. It also claims it is the No.1 social network in Asia, with more than 50 million registered users and 34 million monthly visitors.

Friendster users in the United States are between ages 25 and 35, with 55 percent female. Friendster users in Asia are typically a little bit younger, ranging between ages 16 and 30.

Friendster continued its growth by adding another estimated 2 million monthly visitors in March and an estimated 9 million in the last three months.

In Asia, the social network is more than twice the size of any other. While Friendster has more than 34 million monthly visitors in Asia, Facebook has only 16 million, and and have only 15 million combined.

The mobile site was originally launched in English. Indonesian will be the first additional language, given Friendster's large and mobile user base in Indonesia.

Indonesia has more than 8 million registered users and 4 million monthly unique visitors to as of March.

"Shortly, users will be able to also register directly on, create an account and instantly begin participating in the Friendster global community," Mr. Roberto said.