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Vitaminwater runs text campaign to increase brand awareness

Glaceau Vitamin, maker of vitaminwater, tapped mobile marketing agency EnMobile to attract Generation Y consumers and increase brand awareness.

The Glaceau vitaminwater campaign uses a simple SMS format where anyone can text in and receive a coupon via their mobile device. Consumers can text "vitaminwater" to the short code 41513 and within seconds obtain a response. The winner of the sweepstakes receives a free year's supply of vitaminwater, a line of vitamin-enhanced bottled water from the New York company.

"We wanted to augment the awareness of vitamin water among consumers 18-35," said Brandon Bornancin, founder/CEO of EnMobile, Athens, OH. "Vitaminwater is a great low-calorie drink and once you try it you won't drink anything else. Our goal was to get people to try it and at the same time engage them with the brand."

Just as consumers choose if they want to receive coupons and alerts from vitaminwater, they can also decide if they want to stop receiving messages. Users can opt-out of the campaign at any time by texting "stop" to "41513."

While EnMobile's campaigns work for all U.S. carriers, users will not be charged an extra fee for opting in to a campaign.

The initial call-to-action is on the EnMobile blog, asking readers to send vitamin to a short code.

EnMobile is a full service mobile and social media agency. The company's mobile mobile marketing services include SMS messaging, mobile coupons, mobile alerts, brochures, ringtones, wallpapers, mobile contests and mobile WAP sites.

The winner of the vitaminwater sweepstakes will be announced May 15 via an SMS sent back to all who entered.

"Our strategy was to increase sales and make new business," Mr. Bornancin said.

"At the same time we wanted to maintain our clientele and giving them the opportunity to win something seemed like the way to go," he said.

There are already thousands of consumers who entered the sweepstakes. This was meant to be a small regional campaign and has blown up into a national campaign with a few thousand people.

EnMobile's technology automatically selects a winner.

"Mobile is a great way to engage your audience," Mr. Bornancin said.

"The campaign is not only a great way to let people know about vitaminwater, but you can use the list of those entered into the sweepstakes to promote future vitaminwater events, products and promotions," he said.