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Sprint plays cupid for Valentines

The dating game this Valentine's Day: The traditional dozen roses and box of chocolates accompanied by a dose of mobile flirting.

With that in mind, Sprint customers can now play cupid via Sprint Speed, a set of tools that the carrier offers on its phones that make dating and maintaining relationships easier.

"The strategy is to point out there are a lot of cool applications that we have to make life easier," said Ashley Hahn, communication specialist for Sprint, Overland Park, KS. "We noticed there has been a shift in social trending lately as people are turning to technology to manage their dating lives.

"On Valentine's Day we want to let customers connect with the people who mean most to them, no matter how busy they might be," she said. "You can find the closest gift shop using Sprint Navigation, send pictures or ringtones, and even get text alerts letting you know you have a new comment on MySpace."

Sprint offers wireless and fixed-line communications services. The company claimed to have approximately 54 million customers at the end of 2007.

Ms. Hahn said that since text and picture messages are a part of everyday life, a new trend is emerging: mobile dating. That's precisely why Sprint is letting those looking for love access Mobile and MySpace Mobile plans.

Sprint is also allowing customers to use tools like the Seductive Serenade featuring Isaac Hayes, TXT Romantifier and Fast Flirting to send love to their friends and Valentines.

"You can set up MySpace Mobile and have alerts sent to your Sprint phone," Ms. Hahn said. "This way you know that someone is trying talk to you. We are helping to keep people connected in the dating world."