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Go2 adds UCLA Athletic Department to mobile content network

Mobile media company go2 Media has added the UCLA Athletic Department to its Mobile Content Network at go2 UCLA Bruins.

Go2 UCLA Bruins provides sports information regarding Bruin's programs to their fans directly on their mobile phones. The new mobile site lets fans buy tickets, get updated scores, schedules, read UCLA sports news, obtain turn-by-turn directions to stadiums and view rosters.

"We have dozens of mobile Web sites, but the idea is to find a partner where we can build connections to get great local information," said Lee Hancock, founder of go2, Santa Ana, CA. "We get local UCLA enthusiasts and the category of sports.

"We want to do this with many organizations and colleges and we are about value-added locally oriented local content in and through the cell phone," he said.

Bruin fans can access the mobile site online via computer or mobile device at

Fans can opt-in for text-message alerts from the UCLA Athletics Department by texting "Bruins" to 462411. Chances to win special prizes such as sideline tickets to Bruin athletic games are included in the alerts.

Fans can also participate in promotions and contests during live games.

"For the athletic department this is a good way to connect to its fan base," Mr. Hancock said. "This gives fans just another method to access the Bruin's information from the mobile phone. There is an engagement factor as well."