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Coors Light campaign taps SMS, 2D bar codes

The Coors Light beer brand is overflowing with mobile tactics to enhance its 2009 Mystery Mansion promotion.

The contest will give 50 entrants a chance to win a week-long vacation to the Coors Light Mystery Mansion, an estate in the Canadian Rockies. The mobile initiative, powered by MyThum Interactive, involves an instant-win contest via an SMS PIN program, an interactive voice response (IVR) call-to-action to enter via SMS and quick-response 2D bar codes.

?Our strategy was to help generate anticipation and excitement surrounding our Mystery Mansion property by letting users experience a glimpse of the actual mansion experience and how great an event it is, using the tools and technologies that appeal most to our target audience,? said David Poirier, brand manager of Coors Light at Molson Coors Brewery Co., Montreal, Canada.

?By integrating the Web and mobile experiences for the campaign, we are able to deliver rich, entertaining and consistent content throughout the campaign,? he said.

Headquartered in Montreal and Denver, CO, Molson Coors Brewing Co. is a company that was created by the merger of two of North America's largest breweries: Molson of Canada and Coors of the United States.

On specially marked cases of Coors Light, users can find a unique PIN, which they can send as a keyword via text message to the short code 26677 in order to enter the contest.

Users who are more interested in instant gratification can also add a prefix of TNA or JWE to their PIN when they text in to enter the contest and become eligible for the instant-win portion of the promotion.

Users who participate in the instant-win program have the chance to win daily prizes and are also entered to win the grand prize.

?There is a high degree of mobile adoption and usage among our core demographic,? Mr. Poirier said. ?We?re catering to the demands of our audience for value-added mobile entertainment.?

The contest is being promoted via a national television spot airing across Canada called Bring Us Your Brave, where various men struggle to sneak into the Coors Light Mystery Mansion.

The 2009 Mystery Mansion campaign is also being promoted online via the Coors Light Web site, where consumers can explore the mansion and search for the missing Coors Light girl.

?Mobile provides a high rate of consumer engagement," Mr. Poirier said. "We?ve seen that once we?ve connected with a mobile audience, their response rates on repeat engagement are much higher than traditional channels.

?We strive to create a real dialogue with our consumers and mobile provides the channel to do so,? he said.

Upon investigating the virtual and interactive online Mystery Mansion, users are asked to enter their mobile phone number to receive an IVR call encouraging them to enter the contest.

But that is not all.

While Molson Coors is aware of the infancy of 2D bar codes in the U.S. and Canada, it nonetheless found that in a mysterious, withholding campaign such as this, the consumer?s unfamiliarity with bar codes may make them intriguing.

Coors Light is placing unique 2D bar codes on the outside of Coors Light cases, which users can scan to access exclusive content from last year?s Mystery Mansion bash.

For users without a bar-code reader already downloaded to their phone, Coors asks them to text the keyword QR to the short code 26677, which will reply with a link to a Web site with multiple options for downloading a bar-code-reader application.

Consumers who engage in the barcode portion of the campaign will have access to exclusive photos from previous Mystery Mansion parties.

Molson hopes that these sneak-peeks into the fun will encourage more users to enter into the contest.

?We?re enabling consumers to interact on three different levels specific to their personal demands, including SMS, the Web and a specialty bar code application,? Mr. Poirier said.

?It?s a more holistic approach that serves our audience?s appetite for exclusive Coors Light content across platforms and provides tons of interactivity, consumer engagement and highlight-reel fun,? he said.

?Coors Light has a tremendous commitment to innovation and our use of new technologies such as bar codes helps us appeal to forward-looking individuals who are interested in the latest and greatest.?