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Mexican soft drink Jarritos uses mobile to reach new consumers

Jarritos soft drinks is running a multichannel campaign, and guess which medium has been added to the mix: mobile.

Thirsty drinkers of Jarritos soft drinks will be able to turn in their bottle caps for prizes from music downloads to HDTVs through a promotion called Club Jarritos. The promotion is supported on Spanish-language radio, newspaper, magazines, Internet, eBlasts and text messaging.

"The campaign's overall strategy was to increase consumption," said David Flynn marketing director at Novamex, Jarritos' agency. "We want people to buy our products and buy more of our products.

"We feel that offering our consumers something of value in return, they would be more likely to increase purchases," he said. "Instead of say, four bottles per shopping trip, increase it to five bottles."

Club Jarritos will also have gift cards for popular retailers such as JCPenney, Best Buy, and The Home Depot as well as movie tickets, MP3 players, even money transfers via MoneyGram.

This is the largest promotion Jarritos has ever done.

Consumers are encouraged to text the keyword JARRITOS to short code 90900.

They get a message back, welcoming them and driving them to the promo Web site where they get the option to download a free ringtone as well.

Consumers who text in will be added to a database of names for future remarketing.

The brand designed the redemption program because consumers are looking for value and something extra in this economy.

This promotion will reward loyal consumers of Jarritos, Mineragua and Jarritos Kids in a tough economy.

Novamex reached out to loyalty marketing experts Tic Toc and media planning pros Camelot to form a partnership that delivered the national promotion.

Jarritos is making sure that consumers are well aware of this exciting program through radio and print.

This is the company's first time engaging consumers with online and mobile marketing.

Hispanics are big users of mobile and the Internet, so reaching out to them in this way is relevant.

"Mobile is very strong in the Hispanic market," Mr. Flynn said. "Hispanic consumer more than half of all content delivered on mobile devices. We want to communicate with our consumers wherever they live."

The campaign's core target is Hispanics ages 18-49.

"This campaign relies on new media to reach new consumers," Mr. Flynn said. "We are doing very heavy Internet marketing and adding the mobile element to reach Hispanics that we haven't talked to before."