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Verizon Wireless sets record with SMS messages over holidays

Verizon Wireless has set a record with the number of SMS text messages processed on its network in the holiday season.

The wireless carrier processed an estimated 1.6 billion text messages on Wednesday, Dec. 31, New Year's Eve. This was a 20 percent jump from an average Wednesday in December 2008.

"It kind of goes to show that people are just text messaging all the time," said Debi Lewis, associate director of corporate communications at Verizon Wireless, Basking Ridge, NJ.

The carrier also processed 1.6 billion text messages on Thursday, Jan. 1, New Year's Day. This was also a 20 percent increase from an average Thursday in December 2008.

Dec. 25, Christmas Day topped the other two records. Per Verizon Wireless, 1.7 billion text messages were sent and received that day.

"Although it's predominantly kids, their parents stay in touch, business people text," Ms. Lewis said.

The messages sent and received over those days were mostly SMS, although trends point to an increase in the number of MMS messages exchanged.

Verizon Wireless on Jan. 9 will officially own Alltel Wireless, the nation's fifth largest carrier with 14 million subscribers.

With a combined 80 million subscribers, the acquisition will catapult Verizon Wireless to the No. 1 carrier position nationwide, ahead of fierce rival AT&T Inc.

Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile round out the top four carrier brands nationwide.

It is unclear at this moment how Verizon Wireless will shape or alter Alltel data plans. But the carrier will continue to focus on developing voice and data plans for the various customer segments it targets.

Explosive growth
The increase in texting is partly due to evolving consumer communication habits as well as more affordable data plans.

For example, Verizon Wireless offers 250 text messages for $5 per month as one of its plans.

Another package includes unlimited texting for $10 per month, albeit bundled with other services.

But there is no doubt of the exponential increase in SMS text messages processed over the Verizon Wireless network.

In May 2007, for instance, Verizon Wireless subscribers sent and received 10 billion text messages that month.

The number of text messages processed by the carrier doubled nine months later to 20 billion in February 2008.

Nine months later, Verizon Wireless subscribers sent and received 30 billion text messages in November -- 1 billion per day.

Ms. Lewis said Verizon Wireless is taking all precautions to handle this exponential increase in SMS.

"Obviously what's most important to Verizon is our network," Ms. Lewis said. "And we want to make sure that our network is in a position to do what our customers want it to do.

"Clearly, they're wanting to text more and obviously there's voice calls and the other stuff," she said.