Alltel runs in-venue SMS with NFL's Carolina Panthers, Arizona Cardinals
The NFL's Carolina Panthers will engage fans with an Alltel-sponsored interactive text-messaging feature during 2008-2009 home games.
The "Alltel Fan Poll" feature will issue a call-to-action to fans with an opinion-based question consisting of two or three options. Promoted via a broadcast-quality graphic on the video board and a PA announcement, the element will encourage fans to take out their mobile phones, vote by sending a text message and view their results as they appear in real time.
"Alltel has been a godsend for us, it's a great company, and they wanted to have something different in their sponsorships." said Michael Falato, vice president of sales and business development for Txtstation, Austin, TX.
"They have a great relationship with schools and pro teams, and they looked to us to come up with different in-venue text messaging ideas, ways for fans to engage with the brand and the team by texting in," he said.
The percentage bars on the video board constantly update throughout the promotion, thus providing everyone in the stadium the opportunity to view the opinions of the Panthers faithful.
The Panthers broadcast Alltel fan poll questions at each home game, which show up twice during the game.
When fans text in their response, the video board lights up immediately.
"We differ from other texting companies in that we offer a HD-quality real-time graphic solution that ties SMS to the video board, which is unique to Txtstation," Mr. Falato said.
Questions include "Who do you think is the biggest rival of the Panthers?", "Who's the best 3-0 team in the AFC?", "Which play was most memorable?" and "Which rookie is having the best season?"
The Arizona Cardinals have partnered with Txtstation on a similar Alltel-sponsored SMS initiative.
"On average the response rate is anywhere from 2 to 20 percent, depending on who they're playing, what questions they ask, the execution of the questions and the amount of time it's on the video board," Mr. Falato said.
"The Panthers and Alltel are getting good responses and they seem pretty happy with the results," he said.
Alltel subscribers who respond get a message driving them to enter the carrier's Gridiron Getaway sweepstakes.
Subscribers of other carriers get a reply message that says "Thanks for voting, vote again."
Alltel Wireless's My Circle Gridiron Getaway sweepstake is a text-to-win promotion giving fans the chance to travel with their Circle of Friends via private jet to any regular season college or pro football game of their choice (see story).
Txtstation is a mobile marketing company specializing in sports and entertainment.
The company helps broadcasters, event owners, sponsors and general media to communicate with viewers or fans directly through mobile phones, the Internet and landline phones.
Txtstation creates one-to-one real-time dialog with consumers at specific times and places such as events, concerts and live or pre-recorded broadcasts.
"Alltel, being a wireless company, wants to be associated with unique fun and engaging initiatives tied to their brand, and 30-second promotional commercials are great, but they want to engage football fans with what they have that's different, the unique SMS-related concepts we've put together," Mr. Falato said.
"As for the Pathners, the team is creating a more interactive and fun atmosphere, giving fans a voice in the stadium and adding more than traditional branding for sponsors," he said.
"It also gives them the opportunity to send offers, such as 'Get 15 percent off purchases in the concession stands in the next 15 minutes.' There are a whole bunch of things you can do with the data.
"Teams want to know who's coming to their games so they can market to them, turn them into lifelong Panthers fans."